About Us

State of Apotheosis

Apotheosis is complete! We successfully launched via Kickstarter in September of 2021! Since then we have also released several expansions as well as a sci-fi edition of the game, the rules of which are entirely compatible with the original rulebook so you can easily create and play in any hybrid setting you can imagine!

For updates, you can follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. You can also join the official Apotheosis Discord server to meet some of the game's fantastic community!

Interview About the creation of Apotheosis

The Editors

Jadon Alford

Kelly Clayton

Chris Nelson

Nina Skinner

The Artists

Lady 3agle Art

Jack Blackmon

Amda Emum

Jessica Tomlin


The Game Creator

The majority of Apotheosis was conceived and written by Ian Tassin. Ian has been a long-time player of tabletop role-playing games. His primary motivation behind creating Apotheosis was to improve upon previous tabletop RPGs and fix some of the narrative shortcomings he saw in the other tabletop RPG systems he'd played. He strove to make a system that was approachable and easily understood for beginners, and that would keep veteran players engaged and excited even after years of play. 

Ian got help from friends and family to playtest the game as well as help with the editing a revision process.

The Backers

A special thanks to everyone listed below for making the creation and printing of this game possible through their contributions to our Kickstarter campaign!


Jackson Blackmon

Draven Blankenship

Ino Carter


Juan Francisco "Koboldmancer" Gonzalez Garza

Analise Gordon


Imani Kiara



Andrew McCaslin

Jay Reddish

Connor ‘Romulus’ Rosillo


Eric So

Julian A. G. Stanley

Rob Stolsig

Angel W

Jessica Tomlin

Nina Skinner

Lee Leavelle III

Madelyn Skinner


Charles Siegrist

The Fabulous Miss Betty

David Duggar

Shari-Beth Oar

Frank "Adam Goodwine" Sewell
